recipe testing

There has been some serious recipe testing and tweaking happening this week, and then THE OVEN BROKE. We’re talking complete short circuit. Somehow I am going to get a gas range out of this, but in the meantime we are seriously inconvenienced what with the FOOD BLOG, Levi needing to BAKE CUPCAKES for a school event this week, and the upcoming BAKE SALE. Luckily, I have friends who have ovens.

Oh yeah, the bake sale. Attention Olympians and other PNWesterners! There is a bake sale happening. Come eat our food! Click here to learn more about Bake Olympia: food bloggers bake to fight hunger.


Filed under food

11 responses to “recipe testing

  1. I think I need to tray this recipe!

  2. Oh, nooo! Sorry about the oven malfunction. No matter where they’re baked, we can’t wait to try one of those cookies, though. Thanks for the bake sale plug. 8 days and counting!

  3. Here’s to getting the new oven and getting back to being up and running once again! Have a Great Day!

  4. Somer

    Are there other ways to contribute? Paypal? I am sure your followers (me included) would be happy to donate, but can’t since we’re not local.

    Sorry about the oven!

  5. We are currently having oven issues as well. Lemons to lemonade and all that, I took the inconvenience as the impetus to learn how to make pizza on the outdoor grill. I didn’t even know you could do that! But oh it’s good!

  6. Pingback: The 48-hour kitchen makeover | krista and jess

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